While at Averasboro, we were invited to take part in a small town's Heritage Day. It was a good opportunity for the children to dress and teach other young children about the Civil War time period. One little girl I spoke to, about 8 years old, when I asked if she had ever heard of the Civil War... said "NO." When do they teach American History in public school now? I remember that is ALL we were taught...except for one year of World History in high school. Another young girl approached Amelia and asked "Do you dress like that all the time? Have you ever worn clothes like mine?" How cute!
I was not feeling well enough to dress correctly and stay the whole morning, so Lora graciously brought Daniel, Amelia and Hope with her and Wesley. I popped in for about an hour or two with baby Kaylee and Alex to take a few photos and help out some. I put Kaylee in an 'old fashioned' dress, not Civil War correct... but we slicked down her hair and she looked like she 'fit' the scenery. The stroller didn't 'fit' though! I also brought my Civil War under garments to display. I was surprised at how funny it felt to 'show my underthings'! I felt as if I was showing my bras and panties to the general public! Silly, I know. The boys demonstrated games like dominoes, marbles, checkers and so forth. The girls demonstrated sewing, rag dolls, braided rugs and so on. Lora had 'period correct' picnic food set out that they munched on through out the morning. We also brought the McGuffey readers and the Blue Back Speller , some Civil War coffee table books we have, and my Brady photography book for the spectators to view.. Lora said they liked the school books.... I wonder if she told them that we USE them in school now!? Amelia was prepared with some Civil War era parlor games also. All in all, it was a lot of fun. The children have a great opportunity to learn when they have to 'teach' the spectators. Also, it takes great concentration and self-discipline to be 'in character' the whole morning. I know the children are learning a lot through this hobby of ours... not just Civil War history! As usual, see the side bar for all of our photos... here are a few favorites: Wesley charming baby Kaylee

Actually, I did tell them that the school books are used now also. :-) I even pointed out Amelia and Daniel as the children who learned by them. People loved that!
By the way, I am writing from Vegas as I watch the sunset and the town light up!
Hello Mrs. Hilda
Tell Millie Hi for me
Thanks for the comment. Come to my blog.
Dear Hilda,
Hello! :-) Just stopping by to say hello...
Actually I can't sleep ~ and I'm up seeking advice of any homeschooler I know...
We just finished Kindergarten with my son...we LOVED it. I loved it. However, my hubby is away on assigment and my parent drops by last night to *visit* as we are to go on a 2 week vacation tomorrow when my hubby gets home ~ and out of nowhere they have *the talk* with me about how we are making a huge *mistake* and how homeschooling is not the right path and we'll *ruin* our children and why would we choose this?? Your children won't have the same opportunities you had... Now for some background, my son just finished K, but he is reading at a second grade level wonderfully, loves school, adapted really well...we have him in all sorts of activities but my parents think "he's home too much". I am just so saddeded by all of this. I thought I had their support. They said they would respect any decision we made for this year but think the *damage* will be harder to undo the longer we wait to put him in *real* school. I offered all the reasons we did what we did and they stomped all over them as if I was being some overprotector ~ "you have to let your kids go out into the world at some point..." Anyway, you can delete this comment, but my mind is just stirring and my heart is heavy.... If you have any advice/insight and would like to share, please email me at kdhomeschool at gmail dot come if you are so inclined!! Blessings to you! ~Katie
Another fun time! Love the soft look you gave to the pictures, great job! :)
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